
Social Media and Mental Health

As new ways of communicating, reaching customers, and pulling leads develop, so do strategies that are equally innovative. After a few months, they’d receive loads of friend requests, comments, shares, and “likes,” all because of their amazing content. The social media world changes faster than any other online space. Additionally, if you aim to enhance your brand recognition, build loyalty, and increase conversion rates, advertising could be the way to go. Popular Social Media Tools and Platforms: Social media platforms are designed to snare your attention, keep you online, and have you repeatedly checking your screen for updates. But, much like a gambling compulsion or an addiction to nicotine, alcohol, or drugs, social media use can create psychological cravings. The more you’re rewarded, the more time you want to spend on social media, even if it becomes detrimental to other aspects of your life. Only university employees who are authorized by their departments may use social